CAMPRT event is an event where all the student camp at Lembang. Lembang is colder than Bandung, so it will be fits for camping. In the camp place, we're cooked and played together. My team cooked tempe and tahu with liwet rice. The weather a bit cloudy so i was prepared some rain coat to cover some holes in my tent. We cooked use paraffin so it will be really dangerous if it touch some drops of water. While we're cooking, there are some accident next to our tent and i saw a really big fire burned their tent and the grass but they're safe. After the fire gone, my team become afraid of our fire who became bigger and bigger until the fire burned the oil and the cooking utils. We're tried to be calm and turn off the fire with some big blows from our mouth. After we ate, we're played or we called it learned scout. We're learned about P3K, compass, ropes and many more. Its a little boring because i don't like listened to other people (i mean..on outside...