Gathapraya 2017

       Gathapraya is a culture Fest held by SMAN 3 Bandung. There are so many food and accessories. Many good singer and performance shows in the stage. Honestly, i don't really care about the music or anything but i really love some paintings and some bamboos things ( and food too..). I don't want to sacrifice my time until 11 p.m in there because i don't interest to make my body sore because of standing while watching performance (maybe i'm too lazy) and the main reason why i don't interest of some famous bands performance because i don't even know who are they and i even question myself and i don't even know their songs. Its really cringe when you jumped and shouted to them and you don't even know their songs. But they still good, really good. I really enjoy it see some performance from early. I'm not regret seeing them, they're amazing.

       My activities in Gathapraya not only ate some ice creams but i tried how to paint and i can stick it in front of my room. I really proud of myself even my paintings are like 5 years old paintings. They're so many people who attend Gathapraya. Some of them came from other school or even a group of family. My mother even came to Gathapraya with me and bought Wayang called Goddess Sinta. I also bought bamboo glass that can increase the aroma of brewing tea.

      My drawing teachers also came to paint and also open face paint and clay molding. They asked me to help them with paint but i refuse it because i will destroyed it if i helped them. So i leave them and helped with promotion of their course place.




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