Its Dragon Snake!

         The dragon snake (Xenodermus javanicus) is a strange looking non-venomous Colubrid snake species found in Southeast Asia. The species is found in several countries including Indonesia, Myanmar, Brunei, Malaysia, and Thailand. 
Kingdom:          Animalia
Phylum:            Chordata
Class:                Reptilia
Order:              Squamata
Clade:              Ophidia

Suborder:       Serpentes

          The dragon snake is most often found in areas near water or streams, including forests, marshes, swamps, and especially found of rice fields.
          Dragon Snake is not actually a Dragon like in the fantasy stories or in the fairy tale.It called Dragon Snake because it feature in their unusual skin, with 3 rows of enlarged, keeled scales running down its back, they look like a cross between a snake and a crocodile (lizard stuff) .
          Besides their strange looks, they also have a strange habit, when touched or picked up they stiffen up like a board. 
          Dragon Snake's life cycle : Egg (3 weeks ) -> Baby Snake (3 months) -> Adult Snake (5 months)

          The Dragon Snake's skills are strangle, bite, wrap and swallow the enemies.
The dragon snake belongs to the monotypic genus Xenodermus, meaning it's the only species in that genus, and no subspecies are recognized.

The species was first described in 1836 by Johannes T. Reinhardt who was a Danish zoologist.

The species scientific name derives from the Greek words "xeno" meaning strange and "derma" meaning skin, referring to their very strange looking skin, at least for a snake.

They are also known by other common names like
Javan Tubercle Snake, Javan Mudsnake, Xenodermine snake or Rough-backed Litter Snake.

In Greek Mythology, the mystical creature that has familiar shapes with Dragon Snake are Hydra (The Lernaean Hydra or Hydra of Lerna) (Greek: Λερναῖα Ὕδρα, Lernaîa Hýdra) .
Hydra is a  giant dragon snake that has 3 heads with poisonous breath and blood so virulent that even its scent was deadly.
Hydra is unkillable  because it can generate and when it lost a head, it can grows back 3 heads and it keeps multiplying except you stab hydra's heart with Heracleus's sword. 

         1. Where's Dragon Snake comes from?
              a. Asia b. Europe   c. Afrika    d.Antartica   e. America 

         2. Why it called "Dragon Snake"?
               a. Because it has venom  b. Because it has giant body  c. Because it has deadly breath d. Because it has skin like lizard  e. Because it has 3 heads

         3. What creature from Greek that has similiar to Dragon Snake?
              a. Medusa  b. Pegasus  c. Cerberus   d. Titan  e. Hydra

         4.  How to kill Hydra?
              a. Its unkillable   b.with Heracleus's sword  c. Cut the head  d. kill it with poison  e. burn it 

         5. Why Dragon Snake are not dangerous?
              a. because its has no fang   b. because the snake are herbivore c. because it has no venom  d. because the snake afraid of human  e. because Dragon Snake is too tiny


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