* At the break time, Fai and Fira was chatting together in the hall.

Fira :  "Do you have some plans for next holiday?"
Fai : " My plan are visiting Raja Ampat."
Fira : " Raja Ampat? Its a beautiful place. What will you do in there?"
Fai : " I will go there for meet my relatives. I haven't meet with my relatives for a several years. I really miss them. Sometimes, i can't meet with them because they're too far away. "
Fira : " Ohh, that very sad. That's why you want to go to Raja Ampat?"
Fai : " Yep, i'm really happy to meet with them."
Fira : " Do you interesting at diving in there? "
Fai : " Yes, because the sea is very clear and there's many unique fish."


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