Tourist Destination

                                          Monas the Obelisk Monument and Losari Beach

Monas is one of the popular tourist destination. Monas is a National Monument in Jakarta. Monas is a tall white building with 132 m with a big fire statue on top of it. The statue of fire symbolizes a spirit of soldiers who fought colonies for Indonesia. The fire statue can glow in the night, so it might more beautiful if we see it in the night.

Monas was created by R.M Soedarsono and Frederich Silaban. It took 14 years to build it. Monas open from 6 am until 10 pm. You can enjoy some Dioramas and view of Jakarta from top of the building. Dioramas are kind of miniature of some specific events (ex: War, Soekarno's speech etc) The ticket for entering Monas is only RP.5000,00.

One of the tourist destinations in Sulawesi Island is Losari Beach. Losari Beach is the icon of Makassar City. It is located in Penghibur Street in the heart of Makassar City, South Sulawesi. Before knows as Losari, resident called this beach as Fish Market. You can find many characteristic Makassar foods like pisang epek, coto Makassar, conro soup, and palu butung. But now, those small shops had been relocated to nearby place. This step was taken by the local government so the beach will stay clean and comfortable.

We can enjoy the beauty of sunset and sunrise from this beach. While waiting for it, we can try various fresh seafoods, like lobster, calamari, stingray fish with affordable price. You can also use the internet facility while eating or waiting for the sunset or sunrise. This beach is really unique because it doesn't have sand. Also it's prohibition to swim in this beach because the water is really deep. But we can still enjoy the beauty of this beach by using boats. We don't have to pay any tickets to enter Losari Beach unless you have to pay your vehicles.


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