English Invitation Letter

PEMERINTAH DAERAH PROVINSI JAWA BARAT DINAS PENDIDIKAN CABANG DINAS PENDIDIKAN WILAYAH VII SMA NEGERI 3 KOTA BANDUNG Jl.Belitung 8 Telepon (022)4235154 Faks (022)4214420 Website : http://www.sman3bdg.sch.id Email : humas@sman3bdg.sch.id Bandung - 40114 August 28 th ,2018 Students Grade 10,11 and 12 SMA Negeri 3 Bandung Assalamu’alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh Dear Students As you know, Qurban will be held on August 22th. To teach students about one of Allah’s obligation, there will be an activity to study more about qurban. From this activity, we can learn about qurban deeply and increase our faith to Allah. There will be a lesson about cutting animals for qurban. The event will be held at SMAN 3 from 7 a.m until 2 p.m. Students who couldn’t participate in this event can make a short report about qurban at home. To deposit animals for qurban please RSVP to Mr. Ramdhani at 08914146867. Deposit animals can be started from ...